Friday, January 13, 2023

FIF#175-Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger

Years ago, when the merciless Zangyack Empire descended upon the Earth, 34 Super Sentai Teams united and sacrificed their powers to repel then.  Now, the Zangyack have returned, more powerful than ever, to finish what they started.  Their arrival coincides with a group of Space Pirates who have come to Earth seeking the Ultimate Treasure.  Led by the flashy Captain Marvelous, Joe, Luka, Doc and Ahim not only fly as the Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger but also possess the ability to summon the powers of the other 34 Sentai Teams as well.  They aren’t here to save the Earth, but if anyone gets in their way, it might be something to do for a day.
The 25th Anniversary Season of Power Rangers, Power Rangers Super Megaforce, is widely considered one of, if not the worst season of Power Rangers.  And after watching the first episode of Gokaiger, I can see why that probably is.  Gokaiger is meant to celebrate the 35th Anniversary of the Super Sentai Franchise and looks to do so in the most epic fashion ever, showing off a super cool, very OP yet still cool new team while also harkening back to the past and bringing back costumes (and apparently past cast members too) from throughout the long history of Super Sentai.  I’ve heard nothing but good things, especially in regards to the roguishly handsome leader of the Gokaiger bunch but is the first episode as promising as one might want out of a milestone season of one of Japans longest running sagas?
The Legendary Battle that opens the series is incredible.  Even though we in the US missed about 10 years of these teams, it’s still jaw dropping to see all of these Sentai fighting side by side.  Unlike Super Megaforce shoehorning this in as an afterthought for its finale, this feels like a greater way to honor what’s come before just before jumping into the new stuff.  As for the new Sentai that follow them up, theyre a heckuva lot of fun.  I really like the Pirate motif and this quintet really sticks to the mindset.  While they do jump into action against the Zangyack to save a bunch of kids, they play it off by saying the Aliens ruined their lunch and pissed them off.  They’re mercenaries with a heart of gold.  Theyre not here to save the planet but wont necessarily leave it to die.  However, I get the feeling based on comments Doc made that maybe they have had to do that once or twice, hinting at a bit of a darker history for this crew.  My personal favs from the crew are Luka and Marvelous.  Luka is ridiculously cute and has style to boot in and out of Sentai form and Marvelous, he’s just too cool for school, oozing confidence and self assurance even when his plans feel half baked.  He’s never in the wrong, at least in his mind, because he’s the leader, the Captain.  But he’s also got the skill and power to back it up.
The visual style of Gokaiger is a lot of fun too with a nice combination of practical and digital effects.  The Gokaiger’s arrival on their ship, the Gokai Galleon, features both a model of the vessel attacking Zangyack ships before forming a mostly CG Megazord to tear through the rest of the advanced fleet with ease.  Despite the dark invasion threat posed by the Zangyack, there’s still a light hearted wackiness to Gokaiger’s look.  I love the over exaggerations on Luka and Doc’s faces when things go awry for the group and also how well the team is able to coordinate in battle, passing blasters and swords back and forth between teammates to up their efficiency in battle.  And, of course, there’s the mid battle changes to older Sentai Teams.  The first episode features the powers of three past teams: Gorenger, the very first Super Sentai Team; Shinkengers, the Sentai used for Power Rangers Samurai; and Magirangers, the team used for Power Rangers Mystic Force.  It feels like random usage to show off that these and other teams can appear at any time in the season but idk, I think that Marvelous being a decent tactician shows he might know what Sentai to bring out at the right time and the change is pretty instantaneous.  Plus, how cool would it be to summon any teams powers at any time?
The first episode of Kaizoku Sentai Gokaiger is just straight up fun with a promising cast, nice utilization of visual effects and that freaking amazing epic battle with every single Sentai team from the past.  It feels like it has it’s own incredible story to tell while also being up to the challenge of honoring the history that has come before.  Unlike Super Megaforce, which could never use Gokaiger’s premise to its full potential and likely was just an Anniversary ploy for Power Rangers to sell more merch, Gokaiger understands its task from the get go and I think it might be a series worth keeping an eye on.  Of course, if youre gonna celebrate a franchise like this, you have to know why you’re making the calls you make…and also have some fun along the way.

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