Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Part 8 Episodes 36-40

The game has changed.  The Archangel barely survives the Alliances attempts to leave it to die, thanks to the timely arrival of Kira Yamato and the Freedom Gundam.  But the Archangel crew aren’t the only ones on the run.  Lacus Clyne has been branded a traitor for letting Kira go with a state of the art new Gundam.  It falls to her fiancée, Athrun Zala, to bring her in but is Athrun capable of pulling the trigger on Lacus?  Tensions rise once more as the Alliance puts pressure on Orb to release the fugitive Archangel battleship.  It looks like Orbs neutrality might not save it from joining the war as it enters its final stages.

“What are you fighting for?” One could say that’s a question asked in every single Gundam series.  And it was about time Gundam Seed took a step back and took a look at that same question while also gearing up for the beginning of the end.  I’m happy to say this set of episodes was both reflective and action packed.  It leaves a little to be desired with a few characters, old and new, but the show hasn’t let up on the momentum of the last ten or so episodes and I’m very happy for that.

That question above was on everyones mind.  The Archangel and her crew were officially deserters.  Athrun was tasked with capturing Lacus, now a fugitive, and recapturing the Freedom, now in the hands of Kira.  And a couple of ZAFT faces had their own minds to make up too.  For nation and duty?  For the safety of the Earth or the PLANTS? Or is it for something more near and dear like a best friend or the one you love?  What are you fighting for, indeed.  Well everyone got their answer.  Kira and Athrun finally met again, this time to bury the hatchet and begin to repair their fractured friendship, complete with Cagalli giving them a group hug and calling them idiots for putting her through so much.  Dearka made up his mind to stay with the Archangel crew.  I’d say it’s because he’s grown a bit since his stay, and he definitely has.  But I wonder if it’s because he has a newfound fondness for Miriallia.  I doubt he’s gonna make a move anytime soon cause he should no better than to make a pass at a girl still grieving her lost boyfriend.  And, at long last, Mu La Flagga finally kissed Murrue Ramius…it’s about damn time.  Oh and Mu got to pilot a rebuilt Strike Gundam…but that seems small compared to him winning the beautiful Captains heart.

That does leave this united, merry band caught in the middle of a war of the worlds. Most of the pressure came from the Earth Alliance, desperate to get into Space to take the fight to ZAFT.  It’s here we got introduced to Muruta Azrael aka the Head of Blue Cosmos and sitting in some key position on the Earth Alliance Board of Power. He’s a slimy little jerk and is more than happy to watch Orb burn in order to get his way: get to space and kill all the Coordinators, tis the racist way of Blue Cosmos after all.  I don’t get how or why the Earth Alliance flat our supports such bigotry in their ranks but then again they also sacrificed their own forces to eliminate more than half of ZAFTs back at Alaska, I should just say screw them all and hope they get their just rewards.  Azrael also brings with him three psychotic, pill popping hot shots, each with a Gundam unit of their own.  These three were pretty annoying, prone to violent outburst against the enemy…and each other, yeah these guys are loose cannons who could even turn on their master…yeah I’m ok with that.

Much like the Sanc Kingdom it was inspired by, Orb was forced into a corner and made one last epic stand against the Earth Alliance.  It was pretty cool to see Kira, Athrun and even Dearka fighting side by side at last and doing an awesome job too.  I will say, I’ve had my issues with how the animation treated some of the earlier battles of Gundam Seed, but things have improved.  Alaska, Panama and Orb all have had brutally excellent action sequences that make good use of this Digi Paint Era of Anime.  It’s not holding back on the gruesome violence that’s for sure.  It’s not gory but it’s not clean either, it’s an appropriate level (and trust me, I’ve seen far worse amounts of blood in Gundam).  Poor Cagalli though.  Not only did the cute, blonde spitfire lose her country and her father (WHO WENT OUT LIKE A BOSS) but he also left her with one mega level bombshell.  Yes, Cagalli and Kira are brother and sister…we already knew that.

Surprisingly, there wasn’t a lot of my favorite disaster artist Flay this time around.  She’s currently freaking out in Rau Le Crueset’s hands and man is he reveling in knowing she cant do squat to escape, lest Flay end up killed in the process.  As funny as it is to laugh at Flay now in her personal Coordinator surrounding Hell, ive gotta ask…just what the heck is Rau Le Crueset’s endgame or reason for being in this series besides being the Char Clone?  He’s been chuckling at everything happening in the background, like he has some secret plan that hasn’t been revealed yet.  Well, there’s only ten episodes left and there’s plenty of bad guy fodder to go around for Kira and company.  Le Crueset hasn’t done anything of merit since the start of the series so he’s gonna have to make big waves before I write him off as a more forgettable would be Char than Gundam Unicorn’s Full Frontal.

I guess all anyone needs to figure out is what the heck the plan is, once everyone is safe in space.  Whatever the destination or goal may be, “We’re in the endgame now”.  See ya right back here for more Mobile Suit Gundam Seed and let’s see if the show can pull off an original ending or make some last minute omages to other series of Gundams past (there’ve been like 4 shows at least touched on so far). 

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