Wednesday, November 13, 2019

T5W#222-Top 5 Favorite Nintendo 64 (N64) Games

With the release of the Sega Genesis Mini joining the ranks of the NES and SNES Mini and PS1 Classic consoles, we’re seeing a surprise resurgence in classic gaming from way before the 2000s.  These were the systems we grew up with and got us plenty prepared for the awesome era of gaming we live in today.  So for the month of November, I’m going back through the systems I used to play when I was growing up and even a couple of not so old systems too.  It’s going to be tough choosing 5 games from the decent sized libraries I had, but it’s doable.  Welcome to Top 5 Wednesday Retro Video Game Month.  Side note: for games to qualify, I have to have played them myself at one point or another…so some games many consider the greatest ever made (like every Zelda game and the occasional Mario game) wont be included unless I’ve played them.

As much as I would like to do a Top 5 list of Sega Genesis Games (considering the Mini is the latest relaunch of an old school system)…I couldn’t come up with a proper Top 5 because the Genesis I did have didn’t have a large library and even then I spent most of my time on it playing Sonic the Hedgehog 2.  No, I was mostly a Nintendo baby, logging in mad hours on the NES, SNES and the console that will be seeing the T5W spotlight today, the Nintendo 64.  While I had a larger library of SNES games (you can also check out that Top 5 from forever ago right here:, the N64 titles I played through hold special places in my heart for their gameplay, their sense of wonder and fun and just general eye opening experiences.  So…where the hell is out N64 Mini Nintendo?  Get on that and be sure to include some if not all of my Top 5 Nintendo 64 Games…please?

#5-NFL Blitz 2000
I’m not the worlds biggest sports fan but I will cheer for the occasional football game if the stars align.  However, I have a huge soft spot for NFL Blitz 2000.  For me, this is NFL for dummies.  Screw tactics and proper plays (though you can still use them of course), this is all about pummeling players and getting half a team to dogpile down players and hear the announcers say “Now that’s just bad sportsmanship”.  This is a great game to play with friends and a pretty good experience for anyone who loves sports or prefers virtual players to the real deal.

#4-Star Wars: Rogue Squadron
Long before the dismal days of 2018’s Star Wars Battlefront II, there was the N64 Star Wars experience.  As much as I would’ve loved to have played Shadows of the Empire, Rogue Squadron fell into my lap instead and man did it give me a new found appretiation for my favorite Star Wars fighter, the X-Wing.  Taking command of Rogue Squadron leaders Luke Skywalker or Wedge Antilles, the game follows the titular squadron taking the fight to the Empire across the entire galaxy.  Fast paced combat and a diverse assortment of fighters give you a chance to easily find a favorite…and then you unlock the Millenium Falcon and that’s all you’ll ever pilot everytime you play again.

#3-Mario Kart 64
My very first N64 game is still one of my all time favs.  Beautiful and colorful tracks, a great roster of drivers with their own quirks, one of the best game soundtracks of all time, next to Mario 64, this was the perfect game for beginners of the N64 and gaming in general.  And don’t let the cuteness fool you, I logged in a ton of drive time to unlock everything I could and eventually defeat the ever long and amazing Rainbow Road.  Plus there’s no better feeling than unleashing red tortoise shells on those who would hinder your path to victory…like Peach…or Bowser…or Peach…or D.K…OR PEACH…wow I did not like Peach in Mario Kart 64.

#2-The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask
This was the very first Zelda game I ever played and through interesting logistical reasons, it took me nearly a decade to complete (not exaggerating or lying).  I know it’s not Ocarina of Time but Marjora’s Mask is still an incredible game in its own right.  Link’s nail bitting quest to save the world from the scariest moon in the universe is stressful and exciting at the same time.  I cant tell you how many times I rushed to complete mini quests with seconds to spare before turning back time with my Ocarina to avoid the apocalypse.  Termina is such a fun world to explore and the mask system is brilliant as the one of the games stand out features.  And Skull Kid…damn his titular Mask still gives me nightmares to this day…which is why it’s hella worth it to collect all 24 masks and unleash the Super Saiyan Link…ahem I mean Great Deity Link to kick his ass properly.

#1-Star Fox 64
This is the game that the original SNES game wanted to be and more.  Based on the almost finished but never released Star Fox II (until the SNES Mini included it in its library, completed and eveyrting), Star Fox 64 sees Fox and his crew of walking memes rocketing from Corneria to Venom and blowing up anything standing between them and the evil Emperor Andross.  The straight line missions are all cinematic in their presentation and feature smooth controls and excellent combat.  All range mode makes you feel like you’re playing a space age Top Gun and there’s plenty of fun easter eggs and inspirations to watch out for (like battling the giant carrier from the original Star Fox on Corneria or the Independence Day finale of the Katina mission).  Believe me when I say, there’s no greater feeling than finishing the game on the hardest route, with your ship and teammates all still alive and you have all of your upgrades…God this game is F****** AWESOME!!!!  And never forget…DO A BARREL ROLL!!! (it just might save your life).

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