Wednesday, May 9, 2018

T5W#143-Top 5 Hottest Female Characters in Gundam

So a couple of weeks ago, I saw an article on Facebook detailing a list of the Top 10 Sexiest Characters in Gundam…and I was kind of disappointed.  Don’t get me wrong, several character deserved to be on that list…but most of it was Gundam Seed characters.  Ok, ok, I get that Seed was a popular hit in Japan (I dare say it was one of biggest booms in the franchise akin to Wing making it big in the US).  Still, Seed isn’t all there is to Gundam and there are certainly other women in that vast multiverse who could taken the slots of at least two of the choices on that list (and besides Seed is just ok and Seed Destiny is a crime against nature, fight me).  So this week, im doing my own Top 5 list dedicated to the Sexiest Characters in Gundam.  As I said before, some of the girls on that list I saw deserved to be on that list so I don’t see a problem with them popping up on this one as well.  Much like last weeks list, im going to keep this to one character per series (cause there’s more to Gundam than just Wing and Seed). 

#5-Lucrezia Noin (Gundam Wing)
Wing was chock full of powerful female characters who could hold their own with Heero and the other Gundam Pilots.  For this list, I choose the right hand woman of Zechs Merquise.  Noin has stood by Zech’s side and knows the infamous mask wearing bad ass like no one else.  She has loyalty like no other and even the strength to stand against her love when he chooses to go the Char Aznable route and destroy the world.  Plus, come on, Noin is a goddess in uniform with the sultriest yet commanding voice to match it.  I’d follow this woman into battle anyday (though the same could be said about pretty much every girl on this list).

#4-Fumina Hoshino (Gundam Build Fighters Try)
Man do I wish there was a girl this cute when I was in High School who was as into Gundam as me.  Fumina is the leader of Team Try Fighters and a force of nature that should not be ignored or resisted.  She embodies the energy that Reiji and Sei brought to the original Build Fighters series and stands head and shoulders above her dismal teammates who don’t deserve her awesome.  It would be hard to focus on building Gunpla while Fumina is wearing that sexy sports outfit of hers.  But if she ran my club I would attend everyday and one day both build the ultimate Gunpla (probably the Unicorn or 00 Raiser) and win the heart of my fair captain.

#3-Sayla Mass (Mobile Suit Gundam)
The first Gundam girl in existence.  Sayla took crap from nobody in the original series, even Bright Noa when he needed to be called out.  A lot of this comes from the fact that Sayla has royal blood in her veins, being Char Aznables sister and all that.  But Sayla never takes advantage of her past to get what she wants and fights for what she believes in.  I know it happens in the novels, but I wonder why Amuro never took a chance on Sayla in a relationship (he basically ignored his more or less gf Fraw for all of the series0.  But Sayla’s so strong a girl that Amuro, and most of White Base’s crew, weren’t worthy of her.  And if you need more proof of how sexy and bad ass the OG girl of Gundam can be, check out Sayla in action in Episode 5 of Gundam The Origin, where she leads the defense of the Mass Mansion and proves she is not to be F’ed with.

#2-Sumeragi Lee Noriega (Mobile Suit Gundam 00)
At first glance, Sumeragi might not seem like the commanding type.  She’s a heavy drinker with a dark past that haunts her.  And yet there’s something about that tragedy that makes Sumeragi Lee Noriega, aka Lisa Kujo, so endearing and worth the time investment in her character.  And yes, she has a killer bod and boobs that can barely fit in her own shirts nevermind the later team uniforms Celestial Being receives.  What’s funny is that in the English Dub she’s voiced by Lisa Ann Baley, who also voiced Relena Peacecraft in Gundam Wing.  So it’s amusing to think of Sumeragi as a darker, more cynical (and kind of more fun) version of Gundam Wing’s eternal good girl.

#1-Christina “Chris” Mackenzie (Mobile Suit Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket)
The most criminally underused female pilot in all of Gundam is one of the best things to happen to the franchise.  Chris is a red head with girl next door looks and personality who is also a test pilot for the Earth Federation.  Not one to get by on looks alone, Chris takes on the tough assignment of testing out the Alex Gundam, a Gundam that was actually meant for Amuro Ray when his abilities began to surpass the original RX78-2 Gundam.  And yet the Alex’s remains Chris’ own Gundam (mostly cause it ends up destroyed by the end of 0080) because she is perfectly capable of piloting the thing on her own, even if she isn’t a Newtype.  War in the Pocket is the only story in which we’ve see Chris but ive always held out a glimmer of hope that we might end up seeing this Goddess of the Gundam realm one more time, one day.  There had been female Gundam pilots before (like Emma from Zeta Gundam and Roux from Gundam ZZ) but no one has ever topped Chris for me yet, not in piloting skills or killer good looks.

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