Wednesday, June 21, 2017

T5W#97-Top 5 Most Annoying Overwatch Characters to Play Against

Since the last time I wrote about it, ive really gotten in Overwatch, like big time.  The game has somehow almost fully surplanted Halo as my most played first person shooter on the Xbox One and I’m enjoying it fully, even if the game modes do get repetitive after a point.  I’ve found new characters to like (should I do a revamped Top 5?).  But I’ve also found certain characters that are a total PAIN IN THE A$$ to play against.  I don’t think there’s a character with rich history in game that I hate.  What I hate are how some of these characters get spammed in battle…and probably the fact that I’m envious about how effective they can be played in the hands of others.  So this week, I’m taking a look at my Top 5 Most Annoying Overwatch Characters to Play Against.  Again, got nothing against some of these guys personally…just how crazy they make me trying to break their defenses.


Symmetra gives off a heavy know it all vibe and her abilities reflect that.  Barriers, teleporters and, most annoying of all, MINI TURRETS.  It’s easy to rush into a control point.  It’s another to imagine Symmetra is sitting in that sexy outfit close by smirking as her turrets tear you to pieces.  Then there’s that pesky…whatever the heck gun she has.  You can litter her with bullets and she’ll just drain your health away.  Symmeta…id hate you more if you weren’t one of the Top 5 hottest characters in this game.


Ana’s an odd choice to begin with: a sniper who provides medical support.  As a character, id love to hear more of her story: especially her friendship with Overwatch Commander Jack Morrison (Soldier 76) and her time with her daughter Pharrah.  What I HATE are the d-bags who spam Ana’s sleep dart attack with zero recharge time and will just hawk you the entire game until someone comes to help you out, which can take a while given how crazy matches can get.  To the players who have nothing better to do than troll…frak off.


The geinuine definition of a big bully, Roadhog has a big gun that can kill you in a couple of hits; a Scorpion chain that they should really include “GET OVER HERE” whenever he uses it, and a rebreather that recharges his health.  I’ve seen tons of players pick on others with this hulking tub.  Even if he’s the biggest target (after D.Va and her mecha), Roadhog doesn’t care cause he can take it all and dish it all back.


So cute, so humble, so FREAKING ANNOYING WITH THAT ICE GUN!!!  If a player can use Mei to her full potential, they could win a match for their crew.  Her ice gun can slow you down or stop you dead in your tracks before she unleashes her ice sickle function to put an ice pick in your head.  And just when you think Mei is done, she has a small ice cocoon that can save her and restore her health in the middle of a firefight.  Do not let her cuteness fool you.  Even ignoring the #1 guy on this list, Mei could very well be the most dangerous character in this game…wearing a heavy winter coat and glasses.


If it wasn’t until real recently, Mei would have made the top of this list with her annoying freeze tactics.  But the top spot goes to Winston because if you play against him in Total Mayhem Mode (where everyone health is double and recharge time on special abilities is halved) he becomes a total pain to deal with.  He can always throw up a barriers to protect teams and payloads with barely any recovery time and his freaking Berserk mode can pummel you into oblivion.  Fun fact: I called him a “Damn Dirty Ape” just moments before his Beserk mode went into action once…I paid for that insult in spades.

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