Wednesday, April 26, 2017

T5W#89-Top 10 Gundam Pilots (T5W Special Edition)

This list…is impossible.  This is like asking me to choose who my favorite child is…if I had kids, which I don’t (whew).  As strong of a draw as the Gundams themselves are, it’s the pilots behind them who give them their true memorable moments.  I haven’t seen every Gundam series in existence but ive seen enough to know I love a crap ton of pilots…and in retrospective should have done this as a two part list so some of them can get their due as well.

Well you know what? I’m going to do something a bit different.  This might be a lengthy one but it should be if im beginning to close out Gundam Month Mark II with this kind of entry.  Ok, yeah, let’s do this.  This weeks Top 5 Wednesday is officially a double sized one, so TOP 10…Gundam Pilots…

#10: Roux Louka (Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ)
Funny enough, I don’t know much about this purple haired cutie outside of a few factoids.  I know she took over as the pilot of the Zeta Gundam following Kamille Bidan being taken out of action (not dead but not great either).  I know she’s a snazzy dresser in full on 80’s gear.  And she’s a lot of fun in Dynasty Warriors Gundam 3.  Roux looks and sounds tough and bad ass and since piloting a Gundam can sometimes be seen as a “Guys Only” club, it’s nice to see cute girls like her stand out in the crowd.


#9: Zechs Merquise (Mobile Suit Gundam Wing)
Long before I knew about Char, there was this man in the mysterious mask.  Zechs was the first big rival character in Gundam for me, able to match wits with Heero in both combat and philosophy.  And while he may be better known for his skill with the legendary grand daddy of Mobile Suits, the Tallgeese, he’s on this list because he did get to pilot two Gundams.  He gained the Wing Zero in a botched attempt by OZ to kill him before he traded it to Heero for the Treize built Gundam Epyon…and it was one of the smartest moves he ever made.


#8: Setsuna F Seiei (Mobile Suit Gundam 00)
Child soldier, assassin, hero, Innovator, legend.  Setsuna can be seen as the far off child of Heero Yuy with many of these traits (save for the Innovator bit).  He’s cold and detached in the cockpit of a Gundam, which gives him the ultimate edge.  He’s also got Heero’s knack for playing with the hearts of women around the world…but mostly Marina Ismail.  Setsuna sort of threatens to kill her but she doesn’t become his stalker.  Rather it’s Setsuna who finds something missing in his life being around her.  Plus Setsuna’s got two of the coolest Gundams in existence, the Gundam 00 Raiser and the Gundam 00 QT and man can he make them dance the dance of death well.


#7: Heero Yuy (Mobile Suit Gundam Wing)
My first Gundam pilot.  His iconic intro scene from Gundam Wing set the standard that other pilots had to follow.  From his cool exterior to that slightly psychotic laugh to his infamous “ill kill you” line to Relena, Heero is one of the key definitions of cool in the Gundamverse.  Sure he may seem like a robot (and I actually thought he was for a little bit when I first saw the show).  But that’s just Heero being Heero and you just wish you were as cool as he was.  Women from around the world would follow you just to see if you’d carry out that death threat…well ok maybe just Relena, that girls got some issues.


#6: Anavel Gato (Mobile Suit Gundam 0083: Stardust Memory)
Yeah, this guy is basically one of the key reasons I enjoy Gundam 0083.  He has the respect and admiration of his troops.  He leads through inspiration rather than fear.  And he has his own Darth Vader style Gundam to kick the Federations ass across the galaxy.  I sometimes think of Gato as the spiritual successor to Char in this series, just without a lot of Char’s emotional baggage or questionable philosophy.  Gato is straightforward: cripple the Federation and give his people hope for the future.  And damn anyone who gets in his way, including a snot nosed rookie who thinks he’s his equal.


#5: Lockon Stratos (Neil Delandy) (Mobile Suit Gundam 00)
This guy is the big brother every Gundam team needs.  Lyle has some stand out moments in Season 2 but it’s Neil who set the bar his character had to live up to.  I talk/joke about Heero and Setsuna being ladies men but Neil is the quintessential one.  Strikingly handsome with a snipers eye, both with a rifle and a Mobile Suit.  Plus he actually tries to keep the peace between his fellow Meisters and is a strong voice of reason all across the board.  He’s just the definition of cool…at least when it comes to Gundam 00.


#4: Tierria Erde (Mobile Suit Gundam 00)
It’s funny, I did not like Tierria when I first watched Gundam 00.  That stuck up, hollier than thou attitude always pissed me off.  But leave it to 00’s sharp character writing, following Lockon sacrificing himself to protect him, Tierria changed dramatically.  He learned to value not just his own existence but that of his team as well.  I never imagined Tierria would become the closest thing Setsuna had to a best friend.  I could go on about how he’s got Gundam’s with bazookas.  But it’s his ever growing and endearing character arc that puts Tierria so high on my list.


#3: Christina Makenzie (Mobile Suit Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket)
Chris may only be in one Gundam series but she leaves the best impression.  She’s the girl next door with amazing looks that any guy would crush on.  Oh and she can pilot a Gundam that was originally intended for Amuro Ray himself.  Not that she would brag about that, so we all have to do it for her.  If there’s one female Gundam pilot I wish we could see more of in another story, it’s Chris.  There have been plenty of kick ass female in the Gundamverse…but Chris will always be the one I love the most.


#2: Amuro Ray (Mobile Suit Gundam, Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam, Mobile Suit Gundam: Char’s Counterattack)
Sure he starts out like a whiny brat.  But one of the perks of being in three consecutive Gundam features is that one gets to grow as a character, hopefully.  And Amuro does just that.  He is a far different person in UC 0093 (Char’s Counterattack) than the boy he is in UC 0079 (Mobile Suit Gundam).  That’s 14 years of straight story right that where one can change a lot.  Amuro is a bad ass as an adult and even gets better by the end of the original series.  By the time we see him in Char’s Counterattack, he’s more than earned the right to sit in the cockpit of the Nu Gundam he designed himself.  Many have come after him, but, love him or hate him, we wouldn’t have a wide roster of awesome pilots if it weren’t for Amuro Ray.


#1: Duo Maxwell (Mobile Suit Gundam Wing)
“THE GOD OF DEATH IS BACK FROM HELL!!!”  Duo is my boy.  From the moment he first appeared with his Gundam Deathsythe, I learned the meaning of “Men want to be him and women want to be with him.”  The ponytail was awesome, the priest inspired look stood out, plus he had a cool voice courtesy of Scott McNeil.  And did I mention Deathsythe and Deathsythe Hell are like THE coolest Gundams out there?  When Wing debuted in late middle school for me, Duo was the one we all wanted to talk about, the one we cared the most about and we all had looks of horror on our faces when the original Deathsythe went down.  Duo was the friend I really wanted in school and, in a way, he became one of my first Anime heroes…and still is up there to this day.

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